Technology Enhancing Customer Relationship Management: A Review - Published in Indian Journal of Marketing - Shreyas Srivatsan
Technology Enhancing Customer Relationship Management: A Review Indian Journal of Marketing Volume 42, Issue 8, August 2012 Abstract Organizations are bound to work with their stakeholders who are internal employees to external customers. With certain objectives to deliver, organizations reach out to customers with certain value based products and services. To enable to reach out their objectives, they take the support of other players in the ecosystems such as suppliers and vendors. Thus, a relationship booms in the entire gamut of the ecosystem. Streamlining of the supply chain occurs for reducing cost, increasing accessibility and enhancing profitability, with the help of technology, resulting in augmented customer satisfaction. This article tries to review the impact of the product life cycle on revenue and volumes and also the impact of technology on the customer relationship management in the 21 st century.