Energy is the primary and the most universal measure of all kinds of work by human beings and nature. Everything what happens in the world is the expression of flow of energy in one of its forms. Energy is an important input in all sectors of any country’s economy. The standard of living of a country is directly related to per capita energy consumption.

Therefore to be materially prosperous a human being needs to consume more and more energy than his own. If the standard of living in the developing countries improved and approaches that of the developed countries then the energy requirement in the world in the 21st century will be much more than estimated.

With the depletion in non-renewable energy sources, the thrust for other sources has increased and major focus is on renewable energy source. Biomass is an example of renewable source of energy.

Biomass is an organic matter produced by plants, both terrestrial (those grown on land) and aquatic (those grown in water) and their derivatives. Biomass can be considered as renewable energy source because plant life renews and adds itself every year. Biomass is any sort of vegetation – trees, grasses, and plant parts such as leaves, stems and twigs, of lean plants. It includes animal manure.


Dr. Thomas Reed (Golden, Colorado) is credited with the principles associated with this stove. This stove functions on ‘fire and forget’ principle. It has been demonstrated by Dr. Reed for wood chips. The essential principle is that by using reverse downdraft principle, one can generate combustible gases much like in a typical downdraft gasifier. These gases are burnt above the fuel char bed with additional air to produce intense combustion. He has demonstrated that a 2 watt blower can deliver clean thermal energy of about 3 kwth.


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